4-Wheeling Basics: BE PREPARED
I will start posting about 4-wheeling 101 lessons here. I pick the content from my own experience and other sources like Jeep.Com, About.Com, and other sites.
Lesson # 1: Always Make Good Preparation before hitting the trail.
Yes, it is the boyscout first thing to remember. Always be prepared. Make sure your vehicle preparation is well done, from checking the fluids level, fuel, tyre condition, battery, all the way to fastening all bolts and nuts. It is wise to bring spare spark plugs, spare v-belts and other fast moving parts that could turn the fun into a nightmare if trouble happens in the journey.
Aside from preparing the vehicles, of course you don't want to miss the fun in off-roading. So, don't forget to pack some foods and drinks, camera, sunblock, raincoat, tool kits, tents and things you normally bring when going for an outdoor adventure. Travel light, but don't sacrifice the must bring items.
Lesson # 2: Never Go Alone!
No, going 4-wheeling alone is not a smart decision at all. No matter how good are you, dealing with the outback situation would require traveling together with other vehicle. The best is going in a caravan of 3 vehicles. When your car stuck, there are 2 other cars ready for towing.
Assemble your team, do some equipment check with one another to make sure you know what your buddy's vehicle capable of, or the equipment that could be shared, so you can travel light the smart way. Also it is advised to know each other's physical condition for specific illness or allergy, so you won't be shocked when your buddy suddenly fainted maybe because of being bitten by an ant. This happened many times.
I will continue in separate postings.